What does
Turso mean?
What is Turso?
Meet Iku, the Turso.
Iku-Turso is a mythological Finnish sea creature that is an elemental force of nature. When we created Turso this seemed the ideal "spirit animal" for what we were building, and we named our mascot Iku.
Functionaly Innovative
We are explorers. We thrive on delivering trailblazing products that make developers lives easier and actually work. We are constantly listening for feedback from our users about how we can improve on how things have always been done.
Globally Remote
While technically San Francisco based, we are a truly globally distributed remote work company based on four different continents. We have twelve countries and nine time zones represented and we all collaborate remotely together.
Collaboratively Transparent
We are the opposite of hierarchical. We thrive on sharing ideas while not being dogmatic about them, and everyone has a seat at the table. But our users always sit at the head of the table, and their needs are our ultimate organising principle.
Our Founding Team
Glauber started his career working with the Linux Kernel (where he met Pekka).
Through companies like IBM and Red Hat, he worked with Virtualization technology, storage and containers. He then spent almost a decade at ScyllaDB, serving as VP of Field Engineering and designing core features of the database. Right before Turso, Glauber worked as a Staff Engineer at Datadog, where he authored the Glommio Rust async executor.
Pekka was an early employee at ScyllaDB, a company initially working on an operating system OSv before pivoting to Apache Cassandra compatible distributed database product. Today, Pekka's interests lie in the intersection of distributed, database, and operating systems. Prior to ScyllaDB, Pekka was a Linux kernel maintainer, contributing to memory management, virtualization, and other areas. Pekka also did back-end development when Java was the primary server-side technology in his past life.
Talk to us
Whether you're already using the product or thinking of trying us out, we'd love to hear from you.
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