
Turso is funded and backed by trusted investors who help lead the current technology space.

Essence Venture CapitalFire Star VenturesMango CapitalJamstack Innovation FundBlumberg CapitalNorwestFirestreakPreston Werner VenturesTokyo BlackUpside Partnership
Picture of Guillermo Rauch}
Guillermo Rauch

Founder, Vercel

Picture of Tom Preston-Werner}
Tom Preston-Werner

Founder, GitHub

Picture of Matt Biilmann & Chris Bach}
Matt Biilmann & Chris Bach

Founders, Netlify

Picture of Paul Dix}
Paul Dix

Founder, InfluxDB

Picture of Jacob Smith}
Jacob Smith

Co-Founder, Packet

Picture of Zachary Smith}
Zachary Smith

Co-Founder, Packet

Picture of Alexander Gallego}
Alexander Gallego

Founder, Redpanda

Picture of Andrew Miklas}
Andrew Miklas

Founder, Functional Capital & Co-Founder, PagerDuty

Picture of Ilan Rabinovitch}
Ilan Rabinovitch

SVP Product, Datadog

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